A chat with Atelier Axo
Who is Atelier Axo?
Atelier Axo was founded in 2019, but we have been friends for many years beforehand. We specialize in small scale architecture, interior design alongside objects and furniture. Projects span from fine art galleries including gallery shops to high end retail boutiques, restaurants and office planning as well as private clients with housing projects. We like to span our work across scale and due to our different educational backgrounds as an architect (Caroline) and a designer (Rose) we are in a constant, broadening dialogue between architecture, space and furniture.
What does inspire you?
We like to broaden our perspectives on a cultural matter, a specific method or specific architect or designer by going on study trips which give us the opportunity to look at the world together and collect information for our 'inspirational memory archive'. We often refer back to specific places and experiences we have together. Inspiration often comes out of someone's context, therefore it is also important to be curious about what is different from ourselves. We are both fascinated by historical references and periods, but at the same time find the future and new technology very interesting. You always have a history, or something you built upon with something new. And the meeting point of this is crucial and extremely inspiring.
How do you move between the different scales, architecture and product design?
We believe that everything is connected. When you experience a space or a chair in a room, you never only experience the chair or the room. They are present simultaneously. You can choose to focus on one part, but they will never truly stand alone. In the same way, when we make spaces, we never picture them empty. So even if it’s our own design or someone else’s we purchase for a project, you always shift back and forth in different scales. It comes very natural. Also, our conversations about architecture can be as complex as when talking about interior design or a piece of furniture. To us, tactility and detail is something that concerns them all, since it has to be sensed by the body. However, one must of course have respect for the processes and temporality of the different scales. Therefore, we have both projects that have a faster or slower process connected to the scale and the detailing.
Your cabinet is called Anton, who is Anton?
All our furniture is named after children or animals in our circle of friends. That is why we have chosen to call our cabinet Anton, who is one of our friends little son. For us, it's a great way to personalize the furniture and give it a story.
Why did you choose to work with Vero?
We were very happy when Vero asked if we might be interested in a collaboration. Vero is an example of a furniture house that operates on a scale that appeals to us, as well as focusing on good production and detailing. Vero is playful and creates connections between expressions and people all over the world, creating a community across national borders. for us it has a great value.