Wavy Chair

Designed by: Fredrik Paulsen, 2022

Code: D1-FP-C

Product type: Chair

Product origin: Designed in Stockholm, made in Italy

Dimensions: L 42,5 x W 44 x 82,5 H cm

Weight: 10 kg

Features and materials: Shaped solid iron rod Ø 14 mm

Finishes: Pearl Violet

A witty design with a sinuous 1930’s feel: a celebration of an atmosphere and artificiality through materials, colors and shapes. The chair was the result of a rather experimental process, originally conceived by Paulsen as a trial: he took an existing and very simple design and exaggerated its structural elements, thus creating a singular composition. The fluo, neon, pop pink adds a flair of absurdity that makes the object even more real. Paulsen used other fields’ techniques as inspiration, and decided to spray paint the chair, just as you would do for cars.

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